Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Furthermore - Knot Stock

Whoa!! It's been TWO MONTHS since I've posted a blog! I am going to do my best to update this more often. That being said I'll get right to it!

Furthermore is a little brewery in Black River Falls, Wisconsin and I chose the Knot Stock because it says it is brewed with black pepper. I enjoy beer, and I enjoy pepper so putting them together sounds awesome! This beer poured a nice ruby red and had a thick, frothy red with excellent retention. The nose of this beer was a huge punch of pepper with mild, toasty malt and spicy, perfumy hop hints. The taste was very unique! The malts were more mild in the taste then the nose, as were the hops, but not the pepper! It was very dominate in the taste. The mouthfeel was course and sort of heavy with perfect carbonation. It was a very complex beer but the pepper complemented all the other ingredients in a way that is hard to describe. DEFIANTLY AN ACQUIRED TASTE!!

It was hard for me to fully describe this beer so I really recommend trying this unique beer for yourself to make your own assessment!